"Jesus Freaks"

A message from the band dc Talk:

"You have heard it said unto you...but I say unto you..."

From the beginnings of His public ministry, Jesus set the record straight: "I have come to change the world." He had come to change people's thinking. He had come to revolutionize their paradigm–the way they saw the world and had comfortably settled into it, following their own desires, ignoring those around them who needed help, and figuring that was the way to do it because everyone else was doing pretty much the same thing, and they fit in with that.

Then came Jesus. "You have heard it said...but I say unto you..."

We often think we have arrived spiritually because we have memorized a bunch of rules and regulations, or a list of do's and don't's , and built them into our culture and lifestyle. If you just wear your Christian T-shirt once a week, make sure your radio is always tuned to the local Christian music station, don't do drugs or drink, go to church on Sundays and Bible study one night a week, take part in the summer missions trip, and don't have sex until you are married, then you are a real witness to those around you.

But Jesus came and shattered man's perception of the world. He taught about a kingdom that was more powerful than man could ever comprehend. This kingdom, however, didn't always make common sense. He taught that the kingdom of heaven is more than clothes music, Bible studies, and what you do on the outside. The kingdom of heaven is spiritual. The kingdom of heaven is peace. The kingdom of heaven is the narrow road of following Jesus day by day. You can't be like everyone else and follow Him. His sheep hear His voice and chase after Him; they don't just roam with the rest of the herd and think that is going to save them.

The path He has for you is very different, very special; it is unique in all of human kind. He came to change the world. How can those who truly follow Him have any less of a goal in life?

Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, but He also came to afflict the comfortable.

Throughout history true followers of Christ have been revolutionaries. As the trends of society have been dictated by the herd mentality, these men and women of God have stood up and said, "Hey wait a minute. That's not right!" They reached out their hands to people the rest of the world walked by without a glance, they spoke out when shutting up may have saved their lives, they distributed Bibles when others were passing out ammunition, they took God places others called "God-forsaken", they picked up their crosses and followed Christ when others cried "Lord, Lord" but did nothing. And for this they were called "Freaks".

People often look up to us because we are in the public eye, but the people in this book are the true heros. They are the ones people should look up to.

The freedoms we have today to own a bible, believe what seems right to us, go to the church we want, and follow God as completely as we want are all because to the Jesus Freaks who came before us. If only we had yet done enough to earn such an honored title among the rest of these "Freaks".

Proverbs 1:32 NIV tells us "the complacency of fools will destroy them." Are we too comfortable in our lifestyles to truly be following Christ?...

...We hear the word martyr a lot these days. People who feel sorry for themselves because others have been inconsiderate to them are said to be "playing the martyr" to get the attention of their friends. People are called "martyrs" on the evening news because they have suffered even slightly for some cause. People use the word as a political tool to try to spark a revolution and conform others to their way of thinking. They try to manipulate others with this word to get what they want.

All true martyrs are revolutionaries, but not all revolutionaries are true martyrs.

Those who rise up and kill themselves to kill others are not martyrs at all. They have lost sight of the truth and have been sucked into a lie. They have never experienced the true power of love. The kind of love God is. The love that cannot be defeated, though you beat it, you torture it, or you shoot it with guns or stab it with knives. They try to accomplish their goals through fear and intimidation. They do not understand that true martyrdom is being a witness for the Truth. It is not defined simply by dying for some cause; it is defined by living for the freedom of others. Freedom from fear. Freedom from prejudice and persecution. Freedom from hatred, bitterness, and jealousy. Freedom to be forgiven and to forgive.

Martyrs die because they refuse to deny the Truth, they are unwilling to force their ways upon others, and they are unwilling to fight back when fighting back would deny the Love they are trying to show those hurting them. This is how martyrdom changes things: It stands up as a witness of the One who is Truth and Love, and the One who is Truth and Love can do little else but stand up and stand with His presence. And His presence changes things.

These are the true revolutionaries that have existed throughout history, starting at the Cross. These are the great cloud of martyrs–witnesses–that are seated in heaven watching the revolution for true freedom–spiritual freedom–rage on the earth. It is a revolution of words and hearts and helping hands. It is a revolution that turns the world upside right and lets God touch the heart with His love wherever the revolutionaries go, whether it be across the street, across the ocean, into a prison cell, or to the grave. These are the revolutionaries who were not willing to set aside the Truth for the convenience of being accepted or the privilege of living only by their own desires. These are the revolutionaries who fight for the spiritual freedom that is only found in Jesus and unwilling to let that freedom go for anything.

We have much to learn from such revolutionaries. We also have much to carry on for them–much to carry on for Him.*

Excerpt from Jesus Freaks Volume 2 by dc Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs

What Would Jesus Do?