Supported Ministries and Organizations

Hello everyone!

Below is a list of ministries that we here at ODB whole-heartedly support and recommend you to look at. We have also included a brief description of each ministry for your convenience. Have a blessed day!


GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

GoodSearch is a search engine powered by Yahoo! that allows you to select a nonprofit organization of your choice and help raise money for that organization simply by searching the web. Once you add the GoodSearch toolbar and select your organization, every time you use the GoodSearch search engine, a small portion of the advertisement revenue that would normally go to Yahoo! is donated to your selected ministry. This small portion can really add up to something big! (If you aren't sure who to donate to, both ministries below have GoodSearch profiles.)

Setting Captives Free is an online web-ministry offering free, Christ-centered Bible Study courses to those in bondage to habitual sin (or, "addictions"). These courses teach how it is possible to find freedom from pornography, lust & sexual impurity, homosexuality, over-eating, drug and alcohol abuse, cutting & self-injury, smoking, gambling, and more. There are also courses in teenage purity, mens' and womens' studies, and Christian growth & discipleship.

The key to this ministries' success is their commitment to Biblical truth and the liberating power of Jesus Christ. What is unique about their approach is their "mentorship" program where people who have graduated the course and found freedom from their own personal areas of struggle are given the opportunity to "mentor" others going through the course by offering advice, prayer, and accountability through eMail. This is all done on a volunteer basis, ensuring that there is no cost for those seeking help from sin addictions.

Compassion International is a child sponsorship organization committed to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. Through Compassion, you can give a one-time donation, or sponsor a child for $38/month, ensuring that they have:
  • Food and clean water
  • Medical care
  • Educational opportunities
  • Important life-skills training
  • And most important of all, Compassion sponsored children will hear about the love of Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.
Compassion sponsors are also given the opportunity to write and receive letters from their sponsored child. Jesus said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me," (Matthew 25:40) and Compassion child sponsorship is a great way to live out this calling and help share the love of God with those who are desperately in need.