Our Daily Bread: "Answer the Call" 5-16-08

Hello Everyone

In light of "Testimonial Tuesdays", and of tying in "Jesus Man", I wish to share with you an experience I had some time ago. I was friends with a young lady who was not a Christian, and was going through some tough times. I was a sophomore at the time.

I will never forget this day, but I was sitting on the bus ride home, she in front of me. We were talking about all kinds of things, getting along real good.

Suddenly the Lord began to tug on my heart. "Speak to her, tell her about me."

But I ignored the feeling, figuring it would go away. You know the true feeling though? I was afraid.

Afraid of what? You might ask. Afraid of what she might think of me, or say, afraid to lose that friendship? Probably. Stupid you might think.

In reality we face similar circumstances all the time. Let me tell you, if you feel the Lord tugging you at the heart, you don't ignore Him. You do as He says.

I didn't. I let her go, and now she has moved away. I haven't seen her since.

And I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I vowed then to learn to become bolder in my faith. Because Andrew is right. Why seek the approval of man, when man will one day disappear? All of this on earth shall pass away, while Heaven is forever. Why when we are going to Heaven to live forever with Him? And when you arrive in Heaven, at the Bema seat of Christ, and you are asked the question of what you did. "Did you witness and tell others the good news? How many did you lead to Me?" And then we are left with the remembrance of not having done the simple favor God asked of us. Let that sink in.

Witnessing is not to gain more favor than anyone else, nor must we think it is simply the more you get the better. This is not a game folks; these are souls, lives at stake. It's either don't tell them, and leave then in the hands of the Devil forever, or give them the opportunity to live forever in Paradise. God gave us the ability to chose. So let us choose wisely.

The next time He calls you, Answer Him.*

19"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Answering the call,